Tuesday 12 January 2016

Question 7 evaluation "what have you learnt in the progression from it the full product".

Question 7 media, what have I learnt?

One thing I have learnt is how to be more creative. Instead of using boring fonts, I used a website called dafont to design my own fonts to fit my personal needs within the magazine. Another way I have learnt to be more creative is when creating my logo for my magazine. Using adobe illustrator I made a logo entirely by myself to match the feel of my magazine. The whole process has also made me more competent with the software that I used. I now understand the main themes a lot better and how they link together to create media and show media to different people in different ways. Media is all about effecting people in ways that suit for example entertainment is all about humouring the audience and making them happy. I think my music magazine is far better than my college magazine. I didn’t really think of colours and themes throughout my college magazine or what I was representing within my magazine, whereas with my music magazine I have tried to send messages and representations to the audience through symbolic and technical codes.

Question 6 evaluation

Question 5 evaluation

Monday 11 January 2016

Question 4 evaluation "who is the audience for your product?"

Q4) Who is your audience for your product?
Flow Magazine is aimed at teenagers and young adults who are interested in the rap and hip-hop industry. Its aimed at these groups as stereotypically that’s who normally listens to this sort of music, therefore that’s who I have aimed my product for. The magazine is also trying to go against the stereotype that rap music is all about negative and aggressive vibes. Throughout the magazine the artists featured normally rap about positive and happy vibes, trying to intrigue this audience and bring more together to look at rap in a different way.

Question 3 evaluation

Question 2 evaluation "how does your media product represent groups"

Question 1 Evaluation "in what ways does your product use,develop, or challenge forms and conventions"

Question 1

Q1) There are many different forms of media today, one of them being a magazine. The aim of a magazine is to educate, entertain and please the public. Including information from that specific area. My music magazine is of the rap music genre. I have challenged forms and conventions by using the colours grey black and white throughout my magazine. Most magazines tend to have the same colour theme associated on the front cover of the magazine. I have chosen these colours as they represent rap music (basic, “black and white”). I have also done this in order to make my magazine look formal, smart and unique on the shelves. Another way that I have challenged forms and conventions is that I have placed my coverlines on the right side of the page. Most magazines tend to have the coverlines on the left or both sides. I have used this symbolic code so that the subject is facing towards them and the reader will hopefully get the impression it’s being said out loud to them. This makes the audience feel more involved with the magazine.

One way that I have used a convention is the use of a puff. Almost every magazine has a puff and uses bright colours to attract the audience, I have done this with the colour yellow (the only bright colour on my front cover) the text inside the puff also attracts customers as it gives them a chance to win.

Another way that I have used a convention is a colour scheme throughout my Contents page and DPS. Vibe magazine have the exact same colours in both of theirs and mine is the same. I have a grey/blue colour as the background of mine as it represents rap as being calm yet also dull. Rap tends to be aggressive and violent though I want my magazine to portray it differently.

Finally one last way I have developed a form and convention is the use of a logo on the front cover. Most magazines tend to have a logo but don’t always involve it in the front cover. Whereas my logo is placed directly next to my Masthead. I have done this to make my magazine separate and distinguishable from other magazines on the shelf. Making my magazine well known to the public and building a reputation.