Monday 30 November 2015

Hot Desking

This feedback will allow me to improve my magazine, my first improvement was listening to the feedback and making my dps the same colour theme as the front cover and not just having a plain white background, I have also changed the puff on my front cover to make the colours fit together more easily. 

Wednesday 11 November 2015

Press Release


FLOW magazine will be hitting the streets on January 6th 2016. The magazine will be a formal and unbelievably gripping magazine. Its genre will be rap and hip-hop aimed at the teen/adult age group. There are many different types of rap that people haven’t heard of therefore this new magazine will inform the people and give them new amazing music to listen to and try out. It will include reviews, gig details, exclusive interviews and much more. Rappers are extremely good at connecting with people as they come from different backgrounds and a variety of beginnings, this connection makes the reader feel better about themselves and will allow them to relate and become part of the magazine.

FLOW aspires to be the most formal magazine from the bunch. It will inform the public with all of the new music news and happenings. We aim to inspire our readers to achieve all they can and reach their goals in life, this and the formality of the magazine are our main aims.

The template copy for FLOW had some really great reviews and we have listened to their suggestions to make our magazine the best we can make it.

We will be distributing thousands of copies all over the U.K and will try to enhance knowledge of the people.

Questionnaire results