Thursday 8 October 2015



1.     My magazine represents students as it shows the attributes of many students across the country. The guitar represents more activity based students and students who enjoy the more relaxed aspects of college life. The students is studying which represents many students focused on the work and studying aspects of college. I have tried to blend these components to intrigue as many people as possible to read my magazine. However due to the fact I haven’t varied my images may rule out certain social groups which don’t fit the agenda. My main aim was to blend academic work with activity based subjects, because I think hats what learning is all about and I’m sure many other students will be too.


2.     Overall I am mostly pleased with the colours an font of my magazine. I have tried to use as many dark colours as possible as the survey I conducted proved that’s what my target audience liked most. I have used sans serif font as I think it looks very formal, easy to read and smart. I think this suits the image of the student. I think he colours of the front cover, being slightly dark, goes well with the black background of the contents page.


3.     Overall I dislike the fact I have used the same type of images throughout. This rules out certain social groups such as maybe female or sporty, as there isn’t really much to intrigue them at first glance. I also didn’t use a medium close up shot at first which I had to edit and reduce quality which is somewhat noticeable to me.

Thursday 1 October 2015